Responses to the treatment are perfectly normal
Various manifestation can be experienced during treatment, mainly within 48h after adjustment care session. It can either be tensions, or even a more generalized feeling of unwellness including headaches, muscle stiffness, various pains and gastrointestinal disorders;
They are in fact the direct answers of our body to the adjustment, which requests a number of significant modifications, on a postural (musculoskeletal evolution) point of view as well as a physiological level (digestive system changes).
Also, the emotional nervous system can be affected, with a greater sensitivity, some anger may as well arouse, dreams, nightmares…
The path towards healing needs to be built up with a lot of patience, depending on the person’s way of life. For it may be necessary to quit or adopt some physical habits, get to implement or at least seek a better health practice, like for example getting some rest when the body is tired, or healthier food; in other words, listen to your body’s needs.
Healing isn’t linear, some steps will sound like going backwards, experiencing physically a form of emotional slackening. Following this type of cure, implies giving an increased attention to our body, taking care of not being judgmental, allowing ourself to feel a symptom without analyzing it, nor believing it is the expression of an aggravation of our medical condition.
Most of the pains that arouse during Chiropractic treatment were literally being stored deep in our emotional memories, in some parts of ourselves. But of course, this is a very tough process that requires self-awareness and when not well understood, may cause a sensation of inner void, together with physical and psychological unbalance. It usually gets better within a few months, especially if the patient takes some time for himself, experiencing present moment with joy and simplicity.
Chiropractic aims at living in a perfect harmony between mind and body.

Physical Exercises
Here are some physical exercises to help with back flexibility
Résidence de la Paix,
9 rue Jean Goujon
06400 Cannes
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